Reasons? Simple. To help wake the sheeple up and to get those in-the-know to stay motivated in their diligence in preparation for that which is to come. What? Preparation? For what? One might be thinking. The Fall. Let's be clear on this singular notion, These United States of America, the Last Republic (as far as I'm concerned) is about to fall hard in ways many folks are simply not equipped and/or prepared to handle. How is this so? Simple. Sheeple that have been either all to willing to be led blindly by their government in exchange for their personal security OR sheeple that are just criminally ignorant to the truth that's unfolding around them, have opted to abdicate their personal liberties for a government that offers false promises and security in exchange for massive meta-data grabs into EVERY ASPECT OF THEIR LIVES. Unfortunately, this massive meta-data acquisition situation has extended to those people, not sheeple, that do think for themselves. Talk about a travesty. To think for oneself and speak out in PEACEFUL opposition is considered to be a thought crime of sorts, causes me to think back to George Orwell's 1984. The dark irony of this has not fallen deaf and dumb upon the people that are awake. It's hard to conceive of such a reality happening in realtime, especially given how beautiful the day has been, yet it's as real as the wind that's blowing hard upon me as I sit outside here typing this small rant for all to read. The winds of change are literally upon us all. Think about that for a second... Remember what Barack Hussein Obama ran as his campaign motto "Change That You Can Believe In". Most certainly Mr. President. I know you intend to bring it...
On that note, I will leave you all with a few things to chew on and to research.
- -National Defense Authorization Act
- -National Defense Resources Preparedness Act
- -UN Agenda 21
- -REX 84
- -First Amendment Zones
- -Constitution-Free Zones
- -Socialism
- -Main Stream Media
- -Normalcy Bias
- -1984
- -Animal Farm
Expect more to come from me...
In Dulce Decorum
The Desert Dino
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