Racist!?! Nope. Just a simple point of fact. As a Marine Corps veteran, this is very personal to me. Leaving our own behind reeks of both political BS and cowardice of the highest degree. Battle necessitates certain actions be taken and knowledge of potential consequences should one be captured on an op behind enemy lines and so forth, but in the case of Marine Corps Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi, that is not is not case. No battles downrange. No combat operations. Just a jacked case of being at the absolute wrong place at the absolute wrong time...
I wish to be clear here. What I am saying in terms of what needs to be done is this Dino's opinion. No one has coerced or prodded me to speak on this. I gave it considerable thought and the consequences are far reaching, but damn that too! Obama and his regime doesn't give two craps about what the American people or Her way of govt has to say on the matter, so why should we give two craps about what he has to say? He's illegitimate and a living testament to all that is wrong in our country and in large respects, to the world at large being "a citizen of the world" that he is.
Gang, meet Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi he told his story to Great Van Susteren. Two months and two Mexican prisons later, Sgt.Tahmooressi will face a judge to explain his side of the story, will the judge be impartial and hear him out or will the judge be harsh on him? Will any action be taken to get the Sergeant's release? Let's look at some rather compelling counterpoints in terms of saying to Mexico, "free Sgt.Tahmooressi por favor?" These are legitimate cases in point in why the Sergeant should be released based on the illegitimate actions of a U.S. Presidency/Administration running wild on hubris has recently accomplished. 1.) The 36,007 released I bet no one here in America felt too good about that and yet it happened. Why? To what benefit? Votes perhaps? Increase the mayhem on America's streets? No doubt there is major profit in this from south of the border. 2.) A charged argument Since when is the Rule Of Law circumvented to protect the illegal alien intrusions, thus permitting them to propagate and stay in the U.S.? When others that are undergoing the legit processes are stopped and railroaded by such crony BS! 3.) The 500k acres Cartel Haven in NM! This is damning in every aspect. Chew on that. How many of you were aware of this action happening? All of these deals and more are going on to appease the less than savory elements of another govt and/or non-state actor and debase the United States and Her people. Yet, somehow this President and his Secretary of State will not simply ask for the release of our Marine. What's up with that? How do them apples work out? No outcry from the MSM on wanting him out. I can tell you this from the little links posted not only is Sgt.Tahmooressi is getting the raw deal, so are we as Americans overall. I'll be damned if I didn't make this into a much larger issue than what I intended it to be.
This is the game that's being played and portrayed and Sgt.Tahmooressi needs to be released outright. Next Wednesday we will find out when he will have his day in a foreign court. There is no way the Administration will take outright action to save Sgt.Tahmooressi aside from the fact he's a Marine with Conservative viewpoints and the like, this Administration is having too much cozy fun with corruption and subversion via Mexico to permit for a petition of release and/or outright diplomatic action. Concessions and compromises being made left and right in backroom dealings. If things should go wrong for Sgt.Tahmooressi, I wouldn't be surprised if certain actions were to be taken to go get him out by unofficial means. How dare you say that! We can't have that! No doubt certain well paid politicos would yell that, but I would simply say, go to hell. To the powers south of the border I say this. You invade our lands illegally. You siphon off our social/govt programs to drain us. You procreate to anchor yourselves here without regard. You rob us of our dignity and honor through various criminal actions that always end badly for the victim and you get a simple slap on the wrist and a pardon of unconscionable numbers. You dare to claim a stake for equality and yet you subvert our educational system forcing out English as the dominant language and have our children conform to your language. You dump on us on border crossings and dare to bring your drugs into our society to further enhance your illegal trade and wares. You act heavy handed on us when we make mistakes in your country, yet offer no mercy in return. One day that will come to a grinding halt. Expect it.
We are in an age of Judgement. Many of you know this. Things are multiplying exponentially. Ensure that what you stand for is in good faith. That it's spiritually sound and just. Pray for Sgt.Tahmooressi. Pray for him being strong and steadfast in the face of his adversity because he's facing the music, but he is NOT alone in this. Not by a long shot. He will not be forgotten. He will see through this and God willing, he will be freed one way or the other. That's this Dino's take on the matter. The current Presidential Administration be damned. Sometimes, evil simply needs to be punched on its collective tail and given a bloody nose and a black eye. It makes one think twice about crossing the line. Pray for sanity and compassion in a time where there is very little in abundance.
I'm out....
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