It's been two months, but here I am and here we go...
The level of criminal insanity from the Obama Administration has reached new heights of danger and hubris. The very notion of a porous Southern Border without adequate guard to prevent incursions from illegal aliens (yep, I said the "A"-word)), narco-terrorists, and now Islamic Jihadis has gone way past the red line. Disease and Pestilences have now entered the United States full blown and it is only a matter of time before things start getting out of control. The "unexplained" outbreak of various diseases that will effect the lives of many will come home to roost. Case in point, meet EV-D68 the respiratory virus that has children from the Missouri to now, California being rushed into various emergency rooms of hospitals across the country, for need of immediate care. So, I have been asking myself, not "how", but "why" this is happening now? I do not believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen all of the time, but I do not trust in coincidences. This outbreak certainly qualifies as being "manufactured" rather than being a "natural" occurrence in my opinion. Be well advised, EV-D68 is spreading like a wildfire, so what are you all going to do about it? Relief doesn't seem to be coming any time soon. At the very least, take precautions and keep you children healthy. Teach them the basics when it comes to cleanliness and sanitary methods. Schools are a breeding ground for all kinds of things. That is a fact. we have all been there at some point being ill. Some folks are the exception by being raised to eat healthy and avoid unwarranted vaccination shots. Take a good look at the UN's failed measles vaccination program in all places, northern Syria as reported by Dahboo77. Then we have the massive coverups in reference to the infected illegal aliens have been bringing over as Dave Hodges explains from his article dated back in early July.
Does anyone reading this really believe this mess has simply gone away? The joke is on us, the people of the United States by virtue of Hussein Obama's implementing his Fabian Socialism to the fullest effect. All of this continues unabated and unchallenged! Education only goes so far. The power still resides in the will of the people to say enough is enough, but thus far, only the 3% have been stepping up to the plate and that's roughly 52 million people in CONUS proper and that is NOT enough to say to stop the insanity.
Finally, on the subject of diseases and viruses let me introduce you all EVD aka Ebola Virus Disease. EVD has no peer when it comes to taking whole population out. As a hemorrhagic fever virus, it burns through all that comes into contact with it. It is relentless. The fatality rate is roughly 98%. Geographical origins? West Africa. Now, it's no longer confined there and "opted" to jump the borders and run wild everywhere. So, some of you may be asking, who is responsible for this? I know Mother Nature culls the herd so to speak when the time comes to the cycle of life, but what if a group of rather unsavory and mega-rich personalities wants to usher in this culling faster in a way that's seemingly "coincidental? Enter the Kenema BioWeapons Research Facility located in Sierra Leone and what I do believe to be ground zero for this massive pandemic outbreak of EVD. Think I'm kidding here? This mess is so damn surreal you could not make this up. It defies rational explanation on the surface, but given how certain groups of people do believe in population control ala UN Agenda 21 as The Blaze explained two years ago, the threat is no longer imaginary. These people are playing for keeps here gang. Wake up!
Fast forward to the admission by none other than the CDC stating EVD is coming to the USA. Gee, last I checked it was confined to Africa, not the spreading to the U.S., but now we have people returning back to America infected. Since when did the hospitals here in CONUS have the facilities to contain such a disease? It is a Level 4 BioHazard Contagion
(FYI check that map out Gizmodo and see if you live near one of these facilities, doesn't hurt to know, right?) Now there is a patent owned by the CDC, NIH, & Bill Gates. You can all expect a mandatory vaccination shot coming in the not-too-distant future over EVD. The whole situation reeks of CONTROL. There IS NO other way to look at what is currently transpiring here in the U.S. and the rest of the so-called "free world". As if things could not get any more surreal, Hussein Obama "revised" Executive Order 13295 in this very document that was previously written up by President Bush, permits the detainment of persons demonstrating signs of any respiratory illness/infections and to be spirited off to parts unknown for containment. Here is a more simplified explanation to help on EO 13295. Think on these three words: Infection. Containment. Detention. I am not instilling fear here, but rather a sense of heightened awareness for everyone that is capable of reading this blog. Life as we know is getting more and more dicey. Those of you that are brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus knows what I am talking about. This event has been scripted as explained about by The Health Ranger. Again, this is not fearmongering (politically correct euphemism), it's education. All of what I am presenting to you should galvanize and motivate rightness of action.
Profit by Disease. Depopulation by Death. Detainment by Internment. It's coming.
To those that still doubt what I have presented, chew on this sil vous plait? Sierra Leone is on total lockdown by their government for 72hrs. Population: 6 million. The evasions begin in Sierra Leone. Now, isolation. None of this is a game. Medical Martial Law reported from Dahboo77 - YouTube, it's all real and like he states, "it's no fearmongering". It's well planned charade that will cost the lives of untold millions, if not billions. What's in store for the United States? Just take a look at what Hussein Obama has ordered the DoD to do. The U.S. Army is deploying 3000 troops to West Africa to "combat" EVD! A Battalion of of America's finest is being deployed into the death trap. Where in the hell is the rationale for that? This is not USAMIIRID going in, but regular troops. Combat EVD how Mr. Obama? Are these troops qualified virologists aka virus-hunters? Is there something more about their deployment that we are not being made aware of? To add to the volatility, EVD is in fact, airborne. You do the math. Can this be stopped? EVD? No. Hussein Obama's criminally insane ideology and policies? Yes. The power resides in YOU, the PEOPLE. Time is running out. It doesn't matter if you want to believe in what I am saying, It's happening and you all still the power, but it's waning fast.
God Bless you all out there in the "zones." To our Troops heading "downrange" to that hellish place. I wish there was an easy way out, but I simply don't see it happening unless the people (sheeple) wake up and say, no more". You all know what the implications are in taking a serious stand and saying no to the tyranny. That is a very frightening place to be, but here we are.
Stay frosty. More to come. I'm out.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Thursday, July 24, 2014
I'll be to the point. I apologize to any and all that were expecting more blogs from me. My tech issues took a major dump and then some. So, I have been kicked down some serious notches on that front, but the good news is I am good to go and will be posting up soon. I know a ton of issues and situations have arisen both on the domestic and international front from the illegal alien (immigrant) flood to Israel facing a 3-Way War to seeing Russia getting prodded to the point of absolute retaliation. Lets not forget the holiday roaming Chief Executive.
More to come. The Dino walks and watches. Stay frosty.
More to come. The Dino walks and watches. Stay frosty.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Power. Lies. Corruption. All Equals a Very Big Fall for Everyone...
Here we are once more on the road with the Desert Dino somewhere out there in the searing heat having a pitcher of iced tea and talking about what matters to everyone or what should matter in terms of economic sanity and stability. It's the U.S. Dollar and what it once meant and what it currently means to you the reader.
The greenback has been around as a stable monetary note for a very, very long time and it was once looked at as a mighty stabilizer when the chips were down. People in America and the world over had once depended on the value of the USD to be a solid anchor currency of which one could make smart investments in and with. Everything that is labeled a consumer product on the world market runs and/or once ran on the U.S. Dollar as the reserve currency to trade and make deals with. Foreign currencies were and some still are, used to convert from theirs to ours. Folks at home use it to buy goods, fuel, foodstuffs, etc.. to have an easier life. The American Dream was based on a strong U.S. Dollar, that promised an ethos for generations, to promote the realization that one can attain their dreams in a country where freedom, liberty, and a strong economy flourishes and teeming with endless possibilities for a better tomorrow. Cases in point, 1.) To buy a house or car. 2.) To open a business. 3.) Travel. 4.) To help the downtrodden. 5.) Pursue a higher education. The list of cases can go on. Such a notion in the early 21st Century is a bygone thought now. A cynical look back at a unfulfilled promise of what-once-could've-been and what is now not even remotely looked at as a viable possibility for not only ourselves, but most importantly, for our legacy. The children.
A contrived economic collapse is in-progress in these United States of America and the indicators are all around us for the many to see. It's happening on various degrees and stages in plain sight for all to see. Yet, who wants to see this dark news of things not being kosher and smooth? You! The concerned citizen. You! The prepper that wants better for yourself and loved ones. You! The patriot that didn't bargain for this fiat-frenzied FUBAR to happen. You! The American Citizen. You! The legal immigrant that came here looking for the hope of a better life. That being said, let's take a look at some of stories of FACT, not FICTION that's currently in play to help you better understand what's taking shape in your world, because like it or not, it's imminent and that freight train of so-called prosperity and jobs galore is about to derail into the canyon of despair, disillusion, and destruction. James Turk spoke to King World News on the matter at hand of an epic economic earthquake that's coming shake the foundations. The Global Ponzi Scheme that's designed to give everyone the illusion that the USD is good to go and paper money is great to have instead of precious metals like gold or silver. I wonder if anyone has taken notice at JP Morgan & Chase Co. is doing in terms of charging customers for making cash deposits starting 1 August 2014! Them apples aren't tasting so good now are they? You had all better be expecting the other banks to be following suit too in the wake of this and it's all adding up. Remember the time when you could deposit funds in the bank without having to be charged? Well think again. Take a good look at what countermeasures are in place in Europa abroad after they successfully ran their beta-tests on Greece with the end results being called cash limits for citizens that have every right to pull their funds out for whatever reason they like, but the EU doesn't seem to share in that notion. Count on the same happening here in the States. You see folks, denial by the Central Bankers is causing a lot of things to happen here. Why? They are desperately trying to prevent themselves from being held literally, accountable. Accountable to their schemes of plotting to bring down the USD on their terms. They have been pounding at creating friction in Ukraine with the Russian Federation and the now, but unavoidable tech and trade war with China. See where this is going? The Obama Administration and the Central Bankers are desperate in trying to avoid having both Russia and China from dumping the USD as a world reserve currency and having them somehow, maintain our debt. The desired result for the Central Banks is war. Under the guise of much needless bloodshed, they can attempt to revive the old system in a new way, but in order to do this, the Central Bankers need a cover/ruse so compelling to get people turned away from their activities and to home in on a "new" enemy that "triggered" the collapse in the first place. The sanctions being levied by this criminally inept excuse for a U.S. Presidency has caused Russia to react in a most direct way and there is no stopping this. A gold-backed Chinese yuan will be the game changer Hussein Obama, The Federal Reserve, Central Bankers/IMF, and EU do not want to see come to fruition. All the deceptions, lies, and thievery is coming full circle back in their collective faces and they're not liking it. Why? Because it reveals who and what they are and the people are waking up to this in a myriad of ways they do not want to see happen.In response to things, the BRICS nations have unified against the USD and the rise of the Sino-Russian alliance was born via the deal of the century.
What does this mean to you the regular American out there? It's simple. It means life as you know it in America is about to end in a most unpleasant way and serious adjustments to the way one lives in America will have to be made if one is to survive what is to come. It means a contrived economic collapse is in fact, imminent. Just to help you all understand the depth of our situation here is, the current status of our national debt. Our current unfunded liabilities debt and 1.5 quadrillion futures debt. Am I the only here who's head is hurting from all of this? I can't be. That shouldn't be possible. Perhaps some of you are having a smoke or a stiff hit of poison at the moment because the picture I am painting here is damn frightening and extremely ugly in every respect. IF what I have posted here doesn't wake you all up, I really don't know what will. Perhaps the 22% food inflation hike will galvanize you. Perhaps the EPA admission on the climate rule will help you all understand better. Expect a lot of prices to go up because that leads to the real bane that will hurt us all and it's called Hyperinflation and it should be learned from the historical context because the parallels from past to present are indeed quite telling. About the only thing item that seems good to get in terms of actual prices is the impending crash on ammunition prices and to all believers in the Second Amendment, this spells quite good and it the timing couldn't be better. Especially given the current state of affairs within the United States.
So, in closing here, the Desert Dino suggests you stock up on lots of water, long-terms storage foods, non-GMO seeds (if you can find any), medicines both OTC modern and holistic/herbal remedies, and ammunition, but the most important factor of all is to get your SPIRITUAL HOUSES in ORDER. It's vital that you all do this in your own way. Time is not on our side, per se and rather you have your spiritual houses in order than not have it set at all. Be smart. Don't delay in your preparations. Do what you can within the realm of your respective financial reason. Don't be angry or frustrated. I know! I know! It's hard not to after what I typed here, but look at this as having situational awareness of the current state of affairs. You are all owed that much dignity to be in the know than rather choosing to be sheep simply content with living in painfully blissful ignorance. To those living outside of America that are both citizens and non-citizens, get your ducks in a row too because this is all going to be a major series of domino effects that will impact the lives of everyone, not just America. Beware the black swan because it's coming to land soon.
Stay frosty all of you where you may be in the world. I'm out...
06/10/2014 - Addendum
This even took me for a spin at the rate of how fast things have changed on the geo-economic stage. The political ramifications from this will explode back in Hussein Obama's face and he along with his Central Bank confederates will attempt to cover this up. It's NOT on MSM. The much anticipated Russian countermeasures are in full swing. No one can say that they were not warned of the consequences.
I'm out...
The greenback has been around as a stable monetary note for a very, very long time and it was once looked at as a mighty stabilizer when the chips were down. People in America and the world over had once depended on the value of the USD to be a solid anchor currency of which one could make smart investments in and with. Everything that is labeled a consumer product on the world market runs and/or once ran on the U.S. Dollar as the reserve currency to trade and make deals with. Foreign currencies were and some still are, used to convert from theirs to ours. Folks at home use it to buy goods, fuel, foodstuffs, etc.. to have an easier life. The American Dream was based on a strong U.S. Dollar, that promised an ethos for generations, to promote the realization that one can attain their dreams in a country where freedom, liberty, and a strong economy flourishes and teeming with endless possibilities for a better tomorrow. Cases in point, 1.) To buy a house or car. 2.) To open a business. 3.) Travel. 4.) To help the downtrodden. 5.) Pursue a higher education. The list of cases can go on. Such a notion in the early 21st Century is a bygone thought now. A cynical look back at a unfulfilled promise of what-once-could've-been and what is now not even remotely looked at as a viable possibility for not only ourselves, but most importantly, for our legacy. The children.
A contrived economic collapse is in-progress in these United States of America and the indicators are all around us for the many to see. It's happening on various degrees and stages in plain sight for all to see. Yet, who wants to see this dark news of things not being kosher and smooth? You! The concerned citizen. You! The prepper that wants better for yourself and loved ones. You! The patriot that didn't bargain for this fiat-frenzied FUBAR to happen. You! The American Citizen. You! The legal immigrant that came here looking for the hope of a better life. That being said, let's take a look at some of stories of FACT, not FICTION that's currently in play to help you better understand what's taking shape in your world, because like it or not, it's imminent and that freight train of so-called prosperity and jobs galore is about to derail into the canyon of despair, disillusion, and destruction. James Turk spoke to King World News on the matter at hand of an epic economic earthquake that's coming shake the foundations. The Global Ponzi Scheme that's designed to give everyone the illusion that the USD is good to go and paper money is great to have instead of precious metals like gold or silver. I wonder if anyone has taken notice at JP Morgan & Chase Co. is doing in terms of charging customers for making cash deposits starting 1 August 2014! Them apples aren't tasting so good now are they? You had all better be expecting the other banks to be following suit too in the wake of this and it's all adding up. Remember the time when you could deposit funds in the bank without having to be charged? Well think again. Take a good look at what countermeasures are in place in Europa abroad after they successfully ran their beta-tests on Greece with the end results being called cash limits for citizens that have every right to pull their funds out for whatever reason they like, but the EU doesn't seem to share in that notion. Count on the same happening here in the States. You see folks, denial by the Central Bankers is causing a lot of things to happen here. Why? They are desperately trying to prevent themselves from being held literally, accountable. Accountable to their schemes of plotting to bring down the USD on their terms. They have been pounding at creating friction in Ukraine with the Russian Federation and the now, but unavoidable tech and trade war with China. See where this is going? The Obama Administration and the Central Bankers are desperate in trying to avoid having both Russia and China from dumping the USD as a world reserve currency and having them somehow, maintain our debt. The desired result for the Central Banks is war. Under the guise of much needless bloodshed, they can attempt to revive the old system in a new way, but in order to do this, the Central Bankers need a cover/ruse so compelling to get people turned away from their activities and to home in on a "new" enemy that "triggered" the collapse in the first place. The sanctions being levied by this criminally inept excuse for a U.S. Presidency has caused Russia to react in a most direct way and there is no stopping this. A gold-backed Chinese yuan will be the game changer Hussein Obama, The Federal Reserve, Central Bankers/IMF, and EU do not want to see come to fruition. All the deceptions, lies, and thievery is coming full circle back in their collective faces and they're not liking it. Why? Because it reveals who and what they are and the people are waking up to this in a myriad of ways they do not want to see happen.In response to things, the BRICS nations have unified against the USD and the rise of the Sino-Russian alliance was born via the deal of the century.
What does this mean to you the regular American out there? It's simple. It means life as you know it in America is about to end in a most unpleasant way and serious adjustments to the way one lives in America will have to be made if one is to survive what is to come. It means a contrived economic collapse is in fact, imminent. Just to help you all understand the depth of our situation here is, the current status of our national debt. Our current unfunded liabilities debt and 1.5 quadrillion futures debt. Am I the only here who's head is hurting from all of this? I can't be. That shouldn't be possible. Perhaps some of you are having a smoke or a stiff hit of poison at the moment because the picture I am painting here is damn frightening and extremely ugly in every respect. IF what I have posted here doesn't wake you all up, I really don't know what will. Perhaps the 22% food inflation hike will galvanize you. Perhaps the EPA admission on the climate rule will help you all understand better. Expect a lot of prices to go up because that leads to the real bane that will hurt us all and it's called Hyperinflation and it should be learned from the historical context because the parallels from past to present are indeed quite telling. About the only thing item that seems good to get in terms of actual prices is the impending crash on ammunition prices and to all believers in the Second Amendment, this spells quite good and it the timing couldn't be better. Especially given the current state of affairs within the United States.
So, in closing here, the Desert Dino suggests you stock up on lots of water, long-terms storage foods, non-GMO seeds (if you can find any), medicines both OTC modern and holistic/herbal remedies, and ammunition, but the most important factor of all is to get your SPIRITUAL HOUSES in ORDER. It's vital that you all do this in your own way. Time is not on our side, per se and rather you have your spiritual houses in order than not have it set at all. Be smart. Don't delay in your preparations. Do what you can within the realm of your respective financial reason. Don't be angry or frustrated. I know! I know! It's hard not to after what I typed here, but look at this as having situational awareness of the current state of affairs. You are all owed that much dignity to be in the know than rather choosing to be sheep simply content with living in painfully blissful ignorance. To those living outside of America that are both citizens and non-citizens, get your ducks in a row too because this is all going to be a major series of domino effects that will impact the lives of everyone, not just America. Beware the black swan because it's coming to land soon.
Stay frosty all of you where you may be in the world. I'm out...
06/10/2014 - Addendum
This even took me for a spin at the rate of how fast things have changed on the geo-economic stage. The political ramifications from this will explode back in Hussein Obama's face and he along with his Central Bank confederates will attempt to cover this up. It's NOT on MSM. The much anticipated Russian countermeasures are in full swing. No one can say that they were not warned of the consequences.
I'm out...
Thursday, June 5, 2014
No... I'm not done here and guess what!?! Neither are you that are reading this!!!
Yeah. Let's be real here. I'm damned fired up. Treason runs rampant from the White House and trickles on down like a smelly landslide of bullshit. There I said it and here's why...
President Barack Hussein Obama was pretty damn unrepentant for making the deal with the Taliban to release the Gitmo 5 in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl - Sergeant US Army by circumventing Congress. Three days ago the Gitmo 5 were released under the custody of Qatar without escort/guard and ready to go back downrange against our troops without hesitation. This poor excuse of a disillusioned Soldier should be tried for the following crimes against the Uniform Code of Military Justice under the Punitive Articles therein- 1.) DESERTION - Article 85. 2.) ABSENCE WITOUT LEAVE - Article 86 3.) AIDING THE ENEMY - Article 104. Article 104 is based on the allegations that Sgt.Bergdahl trained enemy forces, in this case the Taliban, in the competency and use of US military tactics and demolition techniques. This has yet to be proven and thus is both circumstantial and suspect at best. In my last blog entry, I introduced you all to the UCMJ. The rules are clearly defined. Same with Article 3, Section 3 - U.S. Constitution and yet, Barack Hussein Obama still reigns with termerity in office. What the hell has happened to the both the democratically elected politicians in office that are mandated to handle this travesty of justice? What happened to the Office of the Sheriff in the United States where they too, are duly obligated to draft up charges against this President for treason and get a warrant for his arrest issued so he can be tried and convicted for the crimes made against both the Constitution and the American people? Am I the only one here knocking in this? The men of Sgt.Bergdahl's unit, 14 of them, were KIA in searching for him and none of this was mentioned by that poor excuse of a so-called President sitting in office, yet he can go and play lameduck platitudes and sentiments about how Bowe's family and community had missed him. This is a man that willing deserted his post in an active combat zone. This is a man who spoke of his disillusionment of America, America's way of life, and his mission in various email correspondences, none of which was made confidential. What was the US Army doing about this begin with? Hadn't Army CID been made aware of Sgt.Bergdahl's beliefs and/or sentiments to the point where it, at the very least, warranted a cursory investigation? Why wasn't Bergdahl ordered to undergo a full psychiatric evaluation for combat fitness in the field? Bergdahl's squad leader, platoon sergeant, and platoon commander had to have known about him being that way. I served as a Rifleman in the Infantry as a Marine and I can say with a very high degree of certainty that sentiments such as Bergdahl's cannot be hidden nor ignored for the sake of expediency and need of wanting to have adequate numbers in the field. That's illogical and it potentially jeopardizes the lives of fellow men in the field that depend on him to have their backs downrange and increases the mission's risk. Where in the hell did our military standards go? Oh wait! I know! They've been feminized and neutered with costly ROE ( Rules Of Engagement) options that gets our people killed and promotes second guessing in the field. War isn't kind. It's not nice. It doesn't play by a set standard of rules as it once did back during the Colonial Times and prior to that. The politicians from the President on down think they know more than the men and women in the uniform out downrange. They couldn't be more inept or wrong in their views. Our overall effectiveness as a bonafide fighting force has been greatly diminished. Sorry ladies, not being sexist here. You cannot tell me that you are satisfied with seeing how things have been downgraded in our military, but I digress here. How is it on God's Green Earth that Bowe Bergdahl was able celebrate ANY non-Islamic holidays while under control of the Taliban. A force that is known for it's brutality and swift-handed death sentences on anyone that's a clear affront to the Koran? See where this is going gang? The answers are really presenting itself loud and clear.
Was anyone here aware that the Federal Bureau of Investigations under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Justice was literally running an investigation on none other than the late Rolling Stones reporter Michael Hastings on his subsequent investigation into Bowe Bergdahl? Mr.Hastings was on to something big and heavy. Why the smoke and mirrors? The Pandora's Box has been opened and US military/civilian hostage season is now open for business thanks to this alleged Commander-In-Chief (which he is not because the U.S. is NOT in a declared war by Congress ). Something very terrible comes our way and an awful lot of smoke and mirrors are in play to keep us all distracted from various truths. The Bergdahl case is a primary example of smoke and mirror games in action. What type of government do we have that plays such insane games of stupidity that costs the lives of American military personnel? Surrender without honor that is what Barack Hussein Obama did. There is no other way to look at it. Has anyone listened to the coded message Bergdahl's Pashto speaking father from the White House grounds spoke in the clear to both his son? The Taliban were quite pleased over Bob Bergdahl's reverence to Allah. I totally agree with Lieutenant General Boykin - US Army (ret.) on that Bergdahl shouldn't be drawing breath. He should be tried. Convicted. Serve hard time for life at Ft.Leavenworth at a minimum or face a firing squad at the maximum. It's just one Marine's opinion and I will touch up on the Marine issue in closing. Count on it. Let's not forget what our foes in the Taliban promises, more kidnappings to come and this is acceptable how? Why wasn't the Constitution thrown at Barack Hussein Obama again? Why are the politicians wagging their pathetic fingers saying one more time if he goes this route again? Seriously!?! There are no apologies from Obama. None. What does that tell you all?
What gets me is the very fact that Obama has done NOTHING to ensure the release of Sgt.Tahmooressi - USMC from Mexico! Sgt.Tahmooressi was beaten and tortured and he gets no rescue? No comfort in knowing ANY type of aid and/or rescue is coming? What kind of crap is that? There is more. How convenient it was that while making a surprise visit to Afghanistan that a certain CIA Station Chief had his cover blown "inadvertently" and it gives me reason to question the "why's" and "what's" on that FUBAR. Why was the CIA Station Chief's identity really uncovered? What did he really know about the Bergdahl Incident? Mind you all, this IS the Central Intelligence Agency I am referring to here, not some lameduck amateur wannabe spooks here. Professional spooks of both good and ill-repute here regardless of what one thinks of them. The Station Chief had to have known and had in-depth intelligence on Bergdahl, his whereabouts and true allegiances. How so? Even the Taliban has "agents" that work for the CIA that fed them the actionable intel on Bergdahl and it would make sense that such "agents" have infiltrated the Taliban. On the other hand of this, Taliban saw tangible value in Bowe Bergdahl's capture and utilized his disillusionment to their ultimate benefit and you know what? It worked in unimaginable ways and has set the tone for future capture operations of U.S. military and/or civilian personnel overseas now and not just exclusive to the Taliban, anyone remember the late 70's and early 80's on the various terrorist hijackings? Some variation of that will come home to roost now thanks to Obama. No doubt Obama used this very deal to coverup and push aside the VA Scandal that was on the verge of wiping out his administration and fellow Statists of the Left. How? It's all about the Veterans Votes!!! Chew on that for a bit, not all Veterans vote Republican... Benefits comes heavily into play here and it's about which side gives and which side cuts. Things that make you go "hmmm".
Then two days ago, Barack Hussein Obama before going to Poland sought $1.4bn in humanitarian aid and had a large number of "children" housed at Lackland AFB - TX. No doubt Obama's chief amnesty pusher and La Raza proponent, Cecilia Munoz is loving every bit of this move made by her boss. Can anyone say "demographic change"? Interesting how things are tied in and mixed up to cause this man to look like a wannabe hero/savior. Obama is running the Saul Alinsky Playbook to the tee and everyone is being played for like blind mice.
In closing, Barack Hussein Obama is acting like a wannabe hero and savior when in reality he's a real traitor that's running a very surreal and unpleasant agenda against none other than the very country he governs, The United States of America. I must state for the record here for all that read the Dino's rant, I am not holding Obama responsible for all that has transpired in America, that preceded him decades ago, but the plan was still running under the guise of certain Conservative circles under a different drumbeat at a different time, but Obama is certainly carrying things on in a very different and insidious manner and he is and/or will be, the nail in the coffin for America. Will there be a 2016 Presidential elections? You figure it out. I can't prognosticate, but I do know this much, Obama illegally traded the lives of five of the most dangerous operatives of the Taliban for a Soldier that had willingly abandoned his post, premeditated because let's call this what it is, Sergeant Bergdahl wanted out and wanted to give aid and comfort to the enemy. It was the perfect ploy to push aside a very relevant issue on America's military veterans being denied, dismissed, and dismantled by a secret group of folks that has ties all the way to the top in terms of this Administration that would've burned the house down to the ground. No funding. No treatment. Yet, in complete hubris, he dares to grab $1.4bn USD to give "humanitarian aid" to illegal children and house them on a US Military Installation when such funds, though fiat, would've provided much needed aid in terms of veterans medical care What a crock of shit if there ever was. The ramification of this Presidency and Statist agenda will destroy, not cripple America, outright. Offhand, were you all aware that Bowe Bergdahl was a Private First Class at the time of his alleged capture in 09'? He was promoted to Sergeant "in absentia". Who promoted him? Why?
Keep it real gang. Stay frosty. Remember situational awareness. Semper Fidelis.
I'm out...
President Barack Hussein Obama was pretty damn unrepentant for making the deal with the Taliban to release the Gitmo 5 in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl - Sergeant US Army by circumventing Congress. Three days ago the Gitmo 5 were released under the custody of Qatar without escort/guard and ready to go back downrange against our troops without hesitation. This poor excuse of a disillusioned Soldier should be tried for the following crimes against the Uniform Code of Military Justice under the Punitive Articles therein- 1.) DESERTION - Article 85. 2.) ABSENCE WITOUT LEAVE - Article 86 3.) AIDING THE ENEMY - Article 104. Article 104 is based on the allegations that Sgt.Bergdahl trained enemy forces, in this case the Taliban, in the competency and use of US military tactics and demolition techniques. This has yet to be proven and thus is both circumstantial and suspect at best. In my last blog entry, I introduced you all to the UCMJ. The rules are clearly defined. Same with Article 3, Section 3 - U.S. Constitution and yet, Barack Hussein Obama still reigns with termerity in office. What the hell has happened to the both the democratically elected politicians in office that are mandated to handle this travesty of justice? What happened to the Office of the Sheriff in the United States where they too, are duly obligated to draft up charges against this President for treason and get a warrant for his arrest issued so he can be tried and convicted for the crimes made against both the Constitution and the American people? Am I the only one here knocking in this? The men of Sgt.Bergdahl's unit, 14 of them, were KIA in searching for him and none of this was mentioned by that poor excuse of a so-called President sitting in office, yet he can go and play lameduck platitudes and sentiments about how Bowe's family and community had missed him. This is a man that willing deserted his post in an active combat zone. This is a man who spoke of his disillusionment of America, America's way of life, and his mission in various email correspondences, none of which was made confidential. What was the US Army doing about this begin with? Hadn't Army CID been made aware of Sgt.Bergdahl's beliefs and/or sentiments to the point where it, at the very least, warranted a cursory investigation? Why wasn't Bergdahl ordered to undergo a full psychiatric evaluation for combat fitness in the field? Bergdahl's squad leader, platoon sergeant, and platoon commander had to have known about him being that way. I served as a Rifleman in the Infantry as a Marine and I can say with a very high degree of certainty that sentiments such as Bergdahl's cannot be hidden nor ignored for the sake of expediency and need of wanting to have adequate numbers in the field. That's illogical and it potentially jeopardizes the lives of fellow men in the field that depend on him to have their backs downrange and increases the mission's risk. Where in the hell did our military standards go? Oh wait! I know! They've been feminized and neutered with costly ROE ( Rules Of Engagement) options that gets our people killed and promotes second guessing in the field. War isn't kind. It's not nice. It doesn't play by a set standard of rules as it once did back during the Colonial Times and prior to that. The politicians from the President on down think they know more than the men and women in the uniform out downrange. They couldn't be more inept or wrong in their views. Our overall effectiveness as a bonafide fighting force has been greatly diminished. Sorry ladies, not being sexist here. You cannot tell me that you are satisfied with seeing how things have been downgraded in our military, but I digress here. How is it on God's Green Earth that Bowe Bergdahl was able celebrate ANY non-Islamic holidays while under control of the Taliban. A force that is known for it's brutality and swift-handed death sentences on anyone that's a clear affront to the Koran? See where this is going gang? The answers are really presenting itself loud and clear.
Was anyone here aware that the Federal Bureau of Investigations under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Justice was literally running an investigation on none other than the late Rolling Stones reporter Michael Hastings on his subsequent investigation into Bowe Bergdahl? Mr.Hastings was on to something big and heavy. Why the smoke and mirrors? The Pandora's Box has been opened and US military/civilian hostage season is now open for business thanks to this alleged Commander-In-Chief (which he is not because the U.S. is NOT in a declared war by Congress ). Something very terrible comes our way and an awful lot of smoke and mirrors are in play to keep us all distracted from various truths. The Bergdahl case is a primary example of smoke and mirror games in action. What type of government do we have that plays such insane games of stupidity that costs the lives of American military personnel? Surrender without honor that is what Barack Hussein Obama did. There is no other way to look at it. Has anyone listened to the coded message Bergdahl's Pashto speaking father from the White House grounds spoke in the clear to both his son? The Taliban were quite pleased over Bob Bergdahl's reverence to Allah. I totally agree with Lieutenant General Boykin - US Army (ret.) on that Bergdahl shouldn't be drawing breath. He should be tried. Convicted. Serve hard time for life at Ft.Leavenworth at a minimum or face a firing squad at the maximum. It's just one Marine's opinion and I will touch up on the Marine issue in closing. Count on it. Let's not forget what our foes in the Taliban promises, more kidnappings to come and this is acceptable how? Why wasn't the Constitution thrown at Barack Hussein Obama again? Why are the politicians wagging their pathetic fingers saying one more time if he goes this route again? Seriously!?! There are no apologies from Obama. None. What does that tell you all?
What gets me is the very fact that Obama has done NOTHING to ensure the release of Sgt.Tahmooressi - USMC from Mexico! Sgt.Tahmooressi was beaten and tortured and he gets no rescue? No comfort in knowing ANY type of aid and/or rescue is coming? What kind of crap is that? There is more. How convenient it was that while making a surprise visit to Afghanistan that a certain CIA Station Chief had his cover blown "inadvertently" and it gives me reason to question the "why's" and "what's" on that FUBAR. Why was the CIA Station Chief's identity really uncovered? What did he really know about the Bergdahl Incident? Mind you all, this IS the Central Intelligence Agency I am referring to here, not some lameduck amateur wannabe spooks here. Professional spooks of both good and ill-repute here regardless of what one thinks of them. The Station Chief had to have known and had in-depth intelligence on Bergdahl, his whereabouts and true allegiances. How so? Even the Taliban has "agents" that work for the CIA that fed them the actionable intel on Bergdahl and it would make sense that such "agents" have infiltrated the Taliban. On the other hand of this, Taliban saw tangible value in Bowe Bergdahl's capture and utilized his disillusionment to their ultimate benefit and you know what? It worked in unimaginable ways and has set the tone for future capture operations of U.S. military and/or civilian personnel overseas now and not just exclusive to the Taliban, anyone remember the late 70's and early 80's on the various terrorist hijackings? Some variation of that will come home to roost now thanks to Obama. No doubt Obama used this very deal to coverup and push aside the VA Scandal that was on the verge of wiping out his administration and fellow Statists of the Left. How? It's all about the Veterans Votes!!! Chew on that for a bit, not all Veterans vote Republican... Benefits comes heavily into play here and it's about which side gives and which side cuts. Things that make you go "hmmm".
Then two days ago, Barack Hussein Obama before going to Poland sought $1.4bn in humanitarian aid and had a large number of "children" housed at Lackland AFB - TX. No doubt Obama's chief amnesty pusher and La Raza proponent, Cecilia Munoz is loving every bit of this move made by her boss. Can anyone say "demographic change"? Interesting how things are tied in and mixed up to cause this man to look like a wannabe hero/savior. Obama is running the Saul Alinsky Playbook to the tee and everyone is being played for like blind mice.
In closing, Barack Hussein Obama is acting like a wannabe hero and savior when in reality he's a real traitor that's running a very surreal and unpleasant agenda against none other than the very country he governs, The United States of America. I must state for the record here for all that read the Dino's rant, I am not holding Obama responsible for all that has transpired in America, that preceded him decades ago, but the plan was still running under the guise of certain Conservative circles under a different drumbeat at a different time, but Obama is certainly carrying things on in a very different and insidious manner and he is and/or will be, the nail in the coffin for America. Will there be a 2016 Presidential elections? You figure it out. I can't prognosticate, but I do know this much, Obama illegally traded the lives of five of the most dangerous operatives of the Taliban for a Soldier that had willingly abandoned his post, premeditated because let's call this what it is, Sergeant Bergdahl wanted out and wanted to give aid and comfort to the enemy. It was the perfect ploy to push aside a very relevant issue on America's military veterans being denied, dismissed, and dismantled by a secret group of folks that has ties all the way to the top in terms of this Administration that would've burned the house down to the ground. No funding. No treatment. Yet, in complete hubris, he dares to grab $1.4bn USD to give "humanitarian aid" to illegal children and house them on a US Military Installation when such funds, though fiat, would've provided much needed aid in terms of veterans medical care What a crock of shit if there ever was. The ramification of this Presidency and Statist agenda will destroy, not cripple America, outright. Offhand, were you all aware that Bowe Bergdahl was a Private First Class at the time of his alleged capture in 09'? He was promoted to Sergeant "in absentia". Who promoted him? Why?
Keep it real gang. Stay frosty. Remember situational awareness. Semper Fidelis.
I'm out...
Monday, June 2, 2014
Let's talk about Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi - A Devil Dog in Mexican Cage...
Racist!?! Nope. Just a simple point of fact. As a Marine Corps veteran, this is very personal to me. Leaving our own behind reeks of both political BS and cowardice of the highest degree. Battle necessitates certain actions be taken and knowledge of potential consequences should one be captured on an op behind enemy lines and so forth, but in the case of Marine Corps Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi, that is not is not case. No battles downrange. No combat operations. Just a jacked case of being at the absolute wrong place at the absolute wrong time...
I wish to be clear here. What I am saying in terms of what needs to be done is this Dino's opinion. No one has coerced or prodded me to speak on this. I gave it considerable thought and the consequences are far reaching, but damn that too! Obama and his regime doesn't give two craps about what the American people or Her way of govt has to say on the matter, so why should we give two craps about what he has to say? He's illegitimate and a living testament to all that is wrong in our country and in large respects, to the world at large being "a citizen of the world" that he is.
Gang, meet Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi he told his story to Great Van Susteren. Two months and two Mexican prisons later, Sgt.Tahmooressi will face a judge to explain his side of the story, will the judge be impartial and hear him out or will the judge be harsh on him? Will any action be taken to get the Sergeant's release? Let's look at some rather compelling counterpoints in terms of saying to Mexico, "free Sgt.Tahmooressi por favor?" These are legitimate cases in point in why the Sergeant should be released based on the illegitimate actions of a U.S. Presidency/Administration running wild on hubris has recently accomplished. 1.) The 36,007 released I bet no one here in America felt too good about that and yet it happened. Why? To what benefit? Votes perhaps? Increase the mayhem on America's streets? No doubt there is major profit in this from south of the border. 2.) A charged argument Since when is the Rule Of Law circumvented to protect the illegal alien intrusions, thus permitting them to propagate and stay in the U.S.? When others that are undergoing the legit processes are stopped and railroaded by such crony BS! 3.) The 500k acres Cartel Haven in NM! This is damning in every aspect. Chew on that. How many of you were aware of this action happening? All of these deals and more are going on to appease the less than savory elements of another govt and/or non-state actor and debase the United States and Her people. Yet, somehow this President and his Secretary of State will not simply ask for the release of our Marine. What's up with that? How do them apples work out? No outcry from the MSM on wanting him out. I can tell you this from the little links posted not only is Sgt.Tahmooressi is getting the raw deal, so are we as Americans overall. I'll be damned if I didn't make this into a much larger issue than what I intended it to be.
This is the game that's being played and portrayed and Sgt.Tahmooressi needs to be released outright. Next Wednesday we will find out when he will have his day in a foreign court. There is no way the Administration will take outright action to save Sgt.Tahmooressi aside from the fact he's a Marine with Conservative viewpoints and the like, this Administration is having too much cozy fun with corruption and subversion via Mexico to permit for a petition of release and/or outright diplomatic action. Concessions and compromises being made left and right in backroom dealings. If things should go wrong for Sgt.Tahmooressi, I wouldn't be surprised if certain actions were to be taken to go get him out by unofficial means. How dare you say that! We can't have that! No doubt certain well paid politicos would yell that, but I would simply say, go to hell. To the powers south of the border I say this. You invade our lands illegally. You siphon off our social/govt programs to drain us. You procreate to anchor yourselves here without regard. You rob us of our dignity and honor through various criminal actions that always end badly for the victim and you get a simple slap on the wrist and a pardon of unconscionable numbers. You dare to claim a stake for equality and yet you subvert our educational system forcing out English as the dominant language and have our children conform to your language. You dump on us on border crossings and dare to bring your drugs into our society to further enhance your illegal trade and wares. You act heavy handed on us when we make mistakes in your country, yet offer no mercy in return. One day that will come to a grinding halt. Expect it.
We are in an age of Judgement. Many of you know this. Things are multiplying exponentially. Ensure that what you stand for is in good faith. That it's spiritually sound and just. Pray for Sgt.Tahmooressi. Pray for him being strong and steadfast in the face of his adversity because he's facing the music, but he is NOT alone in this. Not by a long shot. He will not be forgotten. He will see through this and God willing, he will be freed one way or the other. That's this Dino's take on the matter. The current Presidential Administration be damned. Sometimes, evil simply needs to be punched on its collective tail and given a bloody nose and a black eye. It makes one think twice about crossing the line. Pray for sanity and compassion in a time where there is very little in abundance.
I'm out....
I wish to be clear here. What I am saying in terms of what needs to be done is this Dino's opinion. No one has coerced or prodded me to speak on this. I gave it considerable thought and the consequences are far reaching, but damn that too! Obama and his regime doesn't give two craps about what the American people or Her way of govt has to say on the matter, so why should we give two craps about what he has to say? He's illegitimate and a living testament to all that is wrong in our country and in large respects, to the world at large being "a citizen of the world" that he is.
Gang, meet Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi he told his story to Great Van Susteren. Two months and two Mexican prisons later, Sgt.Tahmooressi will face a judge to explain his side of the story, will the judge be impartial and hear him out or will the judge be harsh on him? Will any action be taken to get the Sergeant's release? Let's look at some rather compelling counterpoints in terms of saying to Mexico, "free Sgt.Tahmooressi por favor?" These are legitimate cases in point in why the Sergeant should be released based on the illegitimate actions of a U.S. Presidency/Administration running wild on hubris has recently accomplished. 1.) The 36,007 released I bet no one here in America felt too good about that and yet it happened. Why? To what benefit? Votes perhaps? Increase the mayhem on America's streets? No doubt there is major profit in this from south of the border. 2.) A charged argument Since when is the Rule Of Law circumvented to protect the illegal alien intrusions, thus permitting them to propagate and stay in the U.S.? When others that are undergoing the legit processes are stopped and railroaded by such crony BS! 3.) The 500k acres Cartel Haven in NM! This is damning in every aspect. Chew on that. How many of you were aware of this action happening? All of these deals and more are going on to appease the less than savory elements of another govt and/or non-state actor and debase the United States and Her people. Yet, somehow this President and his Secretary of State will not simply ask for the release of our Marine. What's up with that? How do them apples work out? No outcry from the MSM on wanting him out. I can tell you this from the little links posted not only is Sgt.Tahmooressi is getting the raw deal, so are we as Americans overall. I'll be damned if I didn't make this into a much larger issue than what I intended it to be.
This is the game that's being played and portrayed and Sgt.Tahmooressi needs to be released outright. Next Wednesday we will find out when he will have his day in a foreign court. There is no way the Administration will take outright action to save Sgt.Tahmooressi aside from the fact he's a Marine with Conservative viewpoints and the like, this Administration is having too much cozy fun with corruption and subversion via Mexico to permit for a petition of release and/or outright diplomatic action. Concessions and compromises being made left and right in backroom dealings. If things should go wrong for Sgt.Tahmooressi, I wouldn't be surprised if certain actions were to be taken to go get him out by unofficial means. How dare you say that! We can't have that! No doubt certain well paid politicos would yell that, but I would simply say, go to hell. To the powers south of the border I say this. You invade our lands illegally. You siphon off our social/govt programs to drain us. You procreate to anchor yourselves here without regard. You rob us of our dignity and honor through various criminal actions that always end badly for the victim and you get a simple slap on the wrist and a pardon of unconscionable numbers. You dare to claim a stake for equality and yet you subvert our educational system forcing out English as the dominant language and have our children conform to your language. You dump on us on border crossings and dare to bring your drugs into our society to further enhance your illegal trade and wares. You act heavy handed on us when we make mistakes in your country, yet offer no mercy in return. One day that will come to a grinding halt. Expect it.
We are in an age of Judgement. Many of you know this. Things are multiplying exponentially. Ensure that what you stand for is in good faith. That it's spiritually sound and just. Pray for Sgt.Tahmooressi. Pray for him being strong and steadfast in the face of his adversity because he's facing the music, but he is NOT alone in this. Not by a long shot. He will not be forgotten. He will see through this and God willing, he will be freed one way or the other. That's this Dino's take on the matter. The current Presidential Administration be damned. Sometimes, evil simply needs to be punched on its collective tail and given a bloody nose and a black eye. It makes one think twice about crossing the line. Pray for sanity and compassion in a time where there is very little in abundance.
I'm out....
Sunday, June 1, 2014
The Treasonous Exchange or How making deals w/the Devil works better than abiding by the Rule Of Law...
I want you all to meet Article Three, Section Three of the U.S. Constitution - Treason , pretty simple and straightforward right? How about what Merriam-Webster has to say on circumvention? Hey, let's not forget the quote given by Hussein Obama on "bypassing Congress" - "I've got a pen and I've got a phone" or Jay Carney's words to back up his boss. Now where's Jay at? - Jay goes bye-bye , a cheap shot? Maybe, but ask yourselves the real question here, "Just what the heck is going on here?" Lots of attention deflectors are in major play and now this latest drama...
Folks the world over, please meet The Gitmo 5 , the 5 most dangerous cats Hussein Obama has secretly arranged to have released in direct exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl . Now, here's where I will more than likely get some serious flak on, but it needs to be mentioned, questioned, and reviewed. This was dated 03/02/2014 by the Associated Press via CBS on the issue of Sgt.Bergdahl being either a hero or deserter and should the latter prove to be valid, then one had better expect to see Article 85 and/or Article 86 thrown at him, based on the evidence that supports him being disillusioned and making his capture back in 09' quite effortless for the Taliban. Now, before you all start going off on me, let me state for the record I am giving the benefit of the doubt here. Given the sources on what's been revealed about Sgt..Bergdahl, one must invariably question the circumstances of his capture at a minimum, follow me so far? You all should question this. Then, let's roll into the heart of the matter here, Hussein Obama's circumvention of Congress by conducting secret negotiations with enemy combatants of the United States of America without ANY Congressional oversight whatsoever. As much as I do not care for these cats here, I will use their definition of this title because they sure as heck will use it against us, the CFR speaks on enemy combatants. So, what does this say about Barack Hussein Obama? Scandal after scandal running rampant on his watch. Take your pick of the litter of topics. Obama signs NDAA '14 - Benghazi -Afghanistan Lie aka Troop extension 2016 - Failed Foreign Policy - Directive 3025.18 -Forbes - EO 13603 - VA Scandal - He knew since 08' to the last point, this crap happened on Bush's Watch, but Obama damn well knew back since 08' and let it fester on his Watch. Just saying...
So, what do you all think should happen on this matter? Seriously. This isn't a game. Violations of The Rule Of Law have been made by this man. Ambiguous in term and yet, clear in its definition as how one in a position of power is not being above the law. Rules and Regulations are made for a reason to keep and maintain both a semblance of law and order to permit the smooth running of a government in both peacetime and wartime. Because one feels constrained by the laws that were set forth by this country's Founding Fathers, doesn't give that person the right to circumvent said rules that was clearly designed to keep the governing powers in check by the will of the people. Hence, America being a Republic and not a Democracy. Am I wrong here? If so, show the proof of benevolence and adherence to the Rule Of Law. The two-party system is guilty of breaking the Rule Of Law a various times since their respective inceptions and that needs to come to a grinding halt, but for now, Barack Hussein Obama is in the limelight here. I will save the others for a later date. There was a time when These United States of America did not bargain with terrorists. The world operates in shades of gray, not just black and white on such dealings. The Lie... and here's the contradiction by Victoria Nuland speaks on the matter. It's certainly a very heated topic of "The U.S. does not negotiate with terrorists" versus "Leave No Man Behind". Blurred a bit? Yes. That's all understood well and good, but where the lines are not blurred is when unilateral and/or conspiratorial decisions are made without Congressional Oversight to approve of such actions being made. A precedent has now been set forth on U.S. foreign policy and watch these changes be made with terrorists, state-sponsored terrorists, and non-state actors to unleash on America's citizens and military personnel alike with impunity citing the release of The Gitmo 5 to make a deal with the little devils of the world.
You all had best get ready for a new and deadly round of games that's sure to affect our already faltering stance on the world stage. We're human. We make mistakes. We are suppose to LEARN from these mistakes and NOT repeat them. So much for avoiding the repeat of history. It would seem that fate is not without a sense of cold irony that we have fallen so far and fast in under 3 generations of existence. Stay frosty gang. Be safe. Situational Awareness is your friend, Blissful Ignorance is your enemy.
Push it...
Here is an update on Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl - POW (formerly) as of 06/02/2014 it's well worth the read - RT
The picture being painted is getting quite ugly and vulgar indeed. Look at the faces of those men that died trying to locate him. Remember them.
Semper Fi.
Folks the world over, please meet The Gitmo 5 , the 5 most dangerous cats Hussein Obama has secretly arranged to have released in direct exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl . Now, here's where I will more than likely get some serious flak on, but it needs to be mentioned, questioned, and reviewed. This was dated 03/02/2014 by the Associated Press via CBS on the issue of Sgt.Bergdahl being either a hero or deserter and should the latter prove to be valid, then one had better expect to see Article 85 and/or Article 86 thrown at him, based on the evidence that supports him being disillusioned and making his capture back in 09' quite effortless for the Taliban. Now, before you all start going off on me, let me state for the record I am giving the benefit of the doubt here. Given the sources on what's been revealed about Sgt..Bergdahl, one must invariably question the circumstances of his capture at a minimum, follow me so far? You all should question this. Then, let's roll into the heart of the matter here, Hussein Obama's circumvention of Congress by conducting secret negotiations with enemy combatants of the United States of America without ANY Congressional oversight whatsoever. As much as I do not care for these cats here, I will use their definition of this title because they sure as heck will use it against us, the CFR speaks on enemy combatants. So, what does this say about Barack Hussein Obama? Scandal after scandal running rampant on his watch. Take your pick of the litter of topics. Obama signs NDAA '14 - Benghazi -Afghanistan Lie aka Troop extension 2016 - Failed Foreign Policy - Directive 3025.18 -Forbes - EO 13603 - VA Scandal - He knew since 08' to the last point, this crap happened on Bush's Watch, but Obama damn well knew back since 08' and let it fester on his Watch. Just saying...
So, what do you all think should happen on this matter? Seriously. This isn't a game. Violations of The Rule Of Law have been made by this man. Ambiguous in term and yet, clear in its definition as how one in a position of power is not being above the law. Rules and Regulations are made for a reason to keep and maintain both a semblance of law and order to permit the smooth running of a government in both peacetime and wartime. Because one feels constrained by the laws that were set forth by this country's Founding Fathers, doesn't give that person the right to circumvent said rules that was clearly designed to keep the governing powers in check by the will of the people. Hence, America being a Republic and not a Democracy. Am I wrong here? If so, show the proof of benevolence and adherence to the Rule Of Law. The two-party system is guilty of breaking the Rule Of Law a various times since their respective inceptions and that needs to come to a grinding halt, but for now, Barack Hussein Obama is in the limelight here. I will save the others for a later date. There was a time when These United States of America did not bargain with terrorists. The world operates in shades of gray, not just black and white on such dealings. The Lie... and here's the contradiction by Victoria Nuland speaks on the matter. It's certainly a very heated topic of "The U.S. does not negotiate with terrorists" versus "Leave No Man Behind". Blurred a bit? Yes. That's all understood well and good, but where the lines are not blurred is when unilateral and/or conspiratorial decisions are made without Congressional Oversight to approve of such actions being made. A precedent has now been set forth on U.S. foreign policy and watch these changes be made with terrorists, state-sponsored terrorists, and non-state actors to unleash on America's citizens and military personnel alike with impunity citing the release of The Gitmo 5 to make a deal with the little devils of the world.
You all had best get ready for a new and deadly round of games that's sure to affect our already faltering stance on the world stage. We're human. We make mistakes. We are suppose to LEARN from these mistakes and NOT repeat them. So much for avoiding the repeat of history. It would seem that fate is not without a sense of cold irony that we have fallen so far and fast in under 3 generations of existence. Stay frosty gang. Be safe. Situational Awareness is your friend, Blissful Ignorance is your enemy.
Push it...
Here is an update on Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl - POW (formerly) as of 06/02/2014 it's well worth the read - RT
The picture being painted is getting quite ugly and vulgar indeed. Look at the faces of those men that died trying to locate him. Remember them.
Semper Fi.
Monday, May 26, 2014
The signals are clear and the American people are still blind... Russia and China couldn't be more obvious.
I know it's been some time since the ol' Desert Dino typed up an entry. Forgive my absence please. Balancing out life's twists and turns aren't so cool a thing to handle, but it's the game I shuffle in and play like everyone else. I digress, and to the point. Russia is about to give a very serious reaction to what Hussein Obama and NATO is playing at.
Ivan is ready at the tactical level, in terms of handling, the useless sanctions that Hussein Obama is "imposing" and the reality check is that the politicians in Washington still isn't getting it. Going after Russian corporations, personalities, financial interests over instigated the FUBAR that is Ukraine has gotten way out of control - Russian Retaliation Document - This is pretty damn serious when one really takes a hard look at what's truly unfolding. That being WAR, or the advent thereof - The Window for War - Today marks the commencement of two U.S. led CAX's (Combined Arms Exercises) Operation Juiper Cobra (IDF) and Operation Eager Lion (Jordan) and following the cessation of those military operations, NATO will initiate their operations in Ukraine. The timing of these events are not coincidental nor should this be construed as "the big boys on the block" game being played. This is for keeps gang. It's all real. The consequences are beyond comprehension and it's all for the criminal cowardice of the Central Bankers and Hussein Obama to cover up the inevitable collapse of the U.S. Dollar. More on the latter point later.
On another subject of interest is the People's Republic of China (Chinese Communist Poliburo), they seem mighty pissed off that the U.S. govt, specifically the U.S. Department of Justice through the auspices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, would dare to indict 5 of their People's Liberation Army Officers on charges of cyber-espionage - FBI Indicts PLA Officers - The response from Communist China seems tame on the surface of things, but I am convinced this will go deeper than what Washington expects it to be. The Communist regime has told its various state-owned enterprises to cut ties with U.S. consulting firms after the FBI indictments - State owned ChiCom companies ordered to sever ties - This is just the beginning of the economic brinksmanship that's being levied at the U.S. Mind you all, this is in addition to China holding America's insane debt. Imagine what will happen when both China and Russia dumps the useless U.S. Treasuries once they are in balance on making the gold-backed Yuan as the dominant reserve currency. Goodbye PetroDollar! Think this can't happen? Look at what is to be considered the biggest deal of the century in terms of energy sharing - The $400bn Holy Grail Natural Gas Deal - Does ANYONE have a clue as to what this translates to? Does ANYONE care? Let me help those out that do care... It's simple. This deal means the death knell of the USD. Period. The PetroDollar is going bye-bye and once the BRICS Nations - BRICS Data - and the elusive SCO - SCO Data - get consolidated on their end and execute their policies, it'll be game on. These guys are playing for real. The game is deadly serious. The consequences of what is transpiring is unimaginable.
I know some of you that are Leftists/Statists are laughing at this while others that are not are wondering, how does this truly affect me? How does this have any relevant meaning to my life? Here's how so... 1.) The affects are exponentially disastrous. Psychological Operations are being waged against the sleeping minds of Americans all the country over and it's to give you all blissful ignorance from a very bad reality check. They're failing at this. Yet, the economy is falling rapidly and people are starting to wake up to this, but not fast enough. Case in point - Inflation - Rising Food Prices - The red flags of recession are waving wildly, more like a depression is here and folks really need to take notice, - Recession Imminent - It's being shouted over the Netwaves on what's coming. Seriously, how many more warning are really need to get the hint that America is in very dire straits!?! - Fabian4Liberty speaks - Finally, a report that really brings things home for anyone to understand - The X22 Report The mind games are being played at rapid speed against the hearts and minds of the American people across the spectrum and so many folks are willing sheep to be led to the inevitable slaughter that's to come. Is it really that cool to live in blissful ignorance now? 2.) As mentioned earlier, war is coming and there will most certainly be some type major false flag event rolling in that will take many by storm. It will cause mass confusion. Mass anger. Mass meltdown. Hussein Obama is looking to invoke "emergency police powers" aka martial law to retain continuity of government and his illegal third term. The documents are out there in the clear for all to read and understand just how far this rabbit hole goes and the lengths the powers that be are all too willing to exert against the the American people. Cases in point - Operation Gladio revealed - The basis for internment/resettlement of Americans called - REX 84 or how about Florida Democratic Congressman Joe Garcia's statement - Communism Works!!! You cannot make this stuff up if you were high and doped up... You simply cannot. These United States of America have been overrun by Red Diaper Doper Babies Funny right!?! Think again. These folks exists in every level of our society and are hellbent on instituting their agendas and policies. Look at the current Presidential Administration and their national and international policies. Look at the various Congressional and Senatorial representatives and their domestic policies and ask yourselves the singular question: What world are they from? 3.) Fundamental Change
We are traveling down a very dark road that will bring about some very bad things. Can the course be reversed? Doubtful. Why? Too many people are comfortable living in that blissful state of mind of, "if it's far away, it doesn't affect me" mentality and that my friends is damn sad and ultimately scary. The things good people will do when things go really bad for them and their families. The introduction of the biometric chip implants are here and quite real and it's being pushed for mass usage. No doubt the volunteers that did the beta tests proved the chips validity as a useful tool for the coming New World Order - Brave New World - Gee Dino! Are you getting Biblical? Yes. Why? Reality is here and it's going to hurt each and everyone of you. We are living in the realm of The Gray State , is this becoming too much for you? Is this scary? Folks, it's seriously time to wake up. Look at what's happening and how things are falling apart. It's high time for you all to get prepared as best you can. Even with limited resources, one can get the basics rolling to ensure one's survival. This isn't about politics. This isn't about my running an agenda. This isn't about misguided popularity attempts. This is all about your individual survival as Americans. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are being eroded to miniscule levels of authority. Truth be told, it's you the people that possess the true power and many have absconded and abdicated this authority for whatever reasons of illogic that fits one's ruling paradigm. Damn shameful. This was once a God-fearing and God-revering nation. This was once a nation that abided by the Rule of Law. This was once a nation that was shining beacon of all that was good and virtuous. Being a bit nostalgic and anachronistic? Perhaps. The America I grew up in wasn't anything like the current incarnation madness it is now. Judgement is being levied against America, let's be real on this. I pray for everyone's well being and sanity. I pray for folks to wake up and learn from the lessons of the past, communism is not the path of America. The costs of embracing that ideology too damn high. Savage speaks on Communism
You all take care out there wherever you all may be roaming. Expect more to come. The DesertDino runs, roars, and rants. This time around, I think I will simply walk and look at the small corner of the world I live in and simply be for this time around. I will leave you all with Command Sergeant Major Page and remember - It's a Republic if you can keep it I'm out.
Ivan is ready at the tactical level, in terms of handling, the useless sanctions that Hussein Obama is "imposing" and the reality check is that the politicians in Washington still isn't getting it. Going after Russian corporations, personalities, financial interests over instigated the FUBAR that is Ukraine has gotten way out of control - Russian Retaliation Document - This is pretty damn serious when one really takes a hard look at what's truly unfolding. That being WAR, or the advent thereof - The Window for War - Today marks the commencement of two U.S. led CAX's (Combined Arms Exercises) Operation Juiper Cobra (IDF) and Operation Eager Lion (Jordan) and following the cessation of those military operations, NATO will initiate their operations in Ukraine. The timing of these events are not coincidental nor should this be construed as "the big boys on the block" game being played. This is for keeps gang. It's all real. The consequences are beyond comprehension and it's all for the criminal cowardice of the Central Bankers and Hussein Obama to cover up the inevitable collapse of the U.S. Dollar. More on the latter point later.
On another subject of interest is the People's Republic of China (Chinese Communist Poliburo), they seem mighty pissed off that the U.S. govt, specifically the U.S. Department of Justice through the auspices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, would dare to indict 5 of their People's Liberation Army Officers on charges of cyber-espionage - FBI Indicts PLA Officers - The response from Communist China seems tame on the surface of things, but I am convinced this will go deeper than what Washington expects it to be. The Communist regime has told its various state-owned enterprises to cut ties with U.S. consulting firms after the FBI indictments - State owned ChiCom companies ordered to sever ties - This is just the beginning of the economic brinksmanship that's being levied at the U.S. Mind you all, this is in addition to China holding America's insane debt. Imagine what will happen when both China and Russia dumps the useless U.S. Treasuries once they are in balance on making the gold-backed Yuan as the dominant reserve currency. Goodbye PetroDollar! Think this can't happen? Look at what is to be considered the biggest deal of the century in terms of energy sharing - The $400bn Holy Grail Natural Gas Deal - Does ANYONE have a clue as to what this translates to? Does ANYONE care? Let me help those out that do care... It's simple. This deal means the death knell of the USD. Period. The PetroDollar is going bye-bye and once the BRICS Nations - BRICS Data - and the elusive SCO - SCO Data - get consolidated on their end and execute their policies, it'll be game on. These guys are playing for real. The game is deadly serious. The consequences of what is transpiring is unimaginable.
I know some of you that are Leftists/Statists are laughing at this while others that are not are wondering, how does this truly affect me? How does this have any relevant meaning to my life? Here's how so... 1.) The affects are exponentially disastrous. Psychological Operations are being waged against the sleeping minds of Americans all the country over and it's to give you all blissful ignorance from a very bad reality check. They're failing at this. Yet, the economy is falling rapidly and people are starting to wake up to this, but not fast enough. Case in point - Inflation - Rising Food Prices - The red flags of recession are waving wildly, more like a depression is here and folks really need to take notice, - Recession Imminent - It's being shouted over the Netwaves on what's coming. Seriously, how many more warning are really need to get the hint that America is in very dire straits!?! - Fabian4Liberty speaks - Finally, a report that really brings things home for anyone to understand - The X22 Report The mind games are being played at rapid speed against the hearts and minds of the American people across the spectrum and so many folks are willing sheep to be led to the inevitable slaughter that's to come. Is it really that cool to live in blissful ignorance now? 2.) As mentioned earlier, war is coming and there will most certainly be some type major false flag event rolling in that will take many by storm. It will cause mass confusion. Mass anger. Mass meltdown. Hussein Obama is looking to invoke "emergency police powers" aka martial law to retain continuity of government and his illegal third term. The documents are out there in the clear for all to read and understand just how far this rabbit hole goes and the lengths the powers that be are all too willing to exert against the the American people. Cases in point - Operation Gladio revealed - The basis for internment/resettlement of Americans called - REX 84 or how about Florida Democratic Congressman Joe Garcia's statement - Communism Works!!! You cannot make this stuff up if you were high and doped up... You simply cannot. These United States of America have been overrun by Red Diaper Doper Babies Funny right!?! Think again. These folks exists in every level of our society and are hellbent on instituting their agendas and policies. Look at the current Presidential Administration and their national and international policies. Look at the various Congressional and Senatorial representatives and their domestic policies and ask yourselves the singular question: What world are they from? 3.) Fundamental Change
We are traveling down a very dark road that will bring about some very bad things. Can the course be reversed? Doubtful. Why? Too many people are comfortable living in that blissful state of mind of, "if it's far away, it doesn't affect me" mentality and that my friends is damn sad and ultimately scary. The things good people will do when things go really bad for them and their families. The introduction of the biometric chip implants are here and quite real and it's being pushed for mass usage. No doubt the volunteers that did the beta tests proved the chips validity as a useful tool for the coming New World Order - Brave New World - Gee Dino! Are you getting Biblical? Yes. Why? Reality is here and it's going to hurt each and everyone of you. We are living in the realm of The Gray State , is this becoming too much for you? Is this scary? Folks, it's seriously time to wake up. Look at what's happening and how things are falling apart. It's high time for you all to get prepared as best you can. Even with limited resources, one can get the basics rolling to ensure one's survival. This isn't about politics. This isn't about my running an agenda. This isn't about misguided popularity attempts. This is all about your individual survival as Americans. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are being eroded to miniscule levels of authority. Truth be told, it's you the people that possess the true power and many have absconded and abdicated this authority for whatever reasons of illogic that fits one's ruling paradigm. Damn shameful. This was once a God-fearing and God-revering nation. This was once a nation that abided by the Rule of Law. This was once a nation that was shining beacon of all that was good and virtuous. Being a bit nostalgic and anachronistic? Perhaps. The America I grew up in wasn't anything like the current incarnation madness it is now. Judgement is being levied against America, let's be real on this. I pray for everyone's well being and sanity. I pray for folks to wake up and learn from the lessons of the past, communism is not the path of America. The costs of embracing that ideology too damn high. Savage speaks on Communism
You all take care out there wherever you all may be roaming. Expect more to come. The DesertDino runs, roars, and rants. This time around, I think I will simply walk and look at the small corner of the world I live in and simply be for this time around. I will leave you all with Command Sergeant Major Page and remember - It's a Republic if you can keep it I'm out.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
This is NOT America...
"This is not America." Anyone remember that famous and very telling song by David Bowie? I sure do. Check it out and let it sink in - The imagery on the vid was quite telling, but the lyrics are what count. So much is happening on various levels in multiple ways that it can be quite hard to keep up with what's really happening here in America. We are being brought down! Brought down EDUCATIONALLY. FINANCIALLY. SOCIALLY. MILITARILY. WE. ARE. BEING. BROUGHT. DOWN. On purpose and I will touch on this later, but soak this in because time is NOT on our side both as a people and nation.
Common Core. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Why do our children. Our future need Common Core. The very name is suggestive of everything should be common and regimented. No room for academic achievement. No honor rolls. No true sense of scholastic individuality. Concerned parents are getting arrested over asking about it. Debating it. Taking a legit stand. Arrested! Case in point - Father Complains About Risque` Common Core Assignment Yet, the Main Stream Media aka Propaganda Central as I will now refer to them (that's the Dino being individualistic!), has not even bothered to report on this matter. They're too busy talking propaganda from their talking points HQ, that being Hussein Obama's machinae in DC. Fair Doctrine!?! Kiss it hard folks because it's what so many sheeple out there truly want. To be guided and told what to do. This is insanity! Where's the fairness in asking a question on matters of importance? Especially given the nature of the arguments on that link. Risque` books to teens that have not been approved by the parents, yet the STATE (in their infinite wisdom) seems to know what's in the best interests of the children that you the parent do! Here's another taste of the insanity that is called Common Core - The Ten Dumbest Common Core Problems You know folks, this really boils down to control. Controlling the young minds paves way to a very rigid future where being docile and unquestioning is the goal of the unseen elite. None of what I am telling here should be misconstrued as a joke or something equally laughable. Michelle Malkin's take on Common Core helps drive the point home - Michelle Malkin's POV This crap is happening in real-time and the sheeple need to take notice of the red flag being waved and it's not the only red flag that waving here in reference to the future of our Republic.
We are a Republic only in name and I will give you all something to chew on to hit home on that point.
A Republic If You Can Keep It Reid Hendrix hits home on this notion. So many folks hit on that America is a Democracy when in fact, she is a Republic. The definition of a Republic is quite clear and the Founding Fathers, who incidentally has been labelled as terrorists - Founding Fathers Declared As Terrorists
and look at how the Department of Defense runs with this mental insanity - Pentagon Labels Founding Fathers As Extremists is ANYONE getting the picture here? This is some very serious shit this piss poor excuse of a government aka regime is spewing. Gee! What constitutes a "regime"? Let's take a look, shall we? Regime Wow! It reads a lot like the rules and regulations of current day America. Anyone here agrees? Let's take another look on it - Merriam-Webster's Definition anyone reading this see the direct correlation to the word's definition and what's actually been happening under Hussein Obama's presidency aka rule? It can't just be me. The Constitution is being attacked by all three Branches of government, but moreso by the Executive Branch and why for the life of me, people are not protesting and arguing this save for the 3% is beyond me. Our very way of life has been circumvented, corrected, and converted. When the people have given up their liberties for more security, trouble begins to roll in and life as you know begins to radically change. I've heard folks say that it's all right for the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) to do the "security measures" they do for the sake of their safety. I'll be damned if the people didn't get conditioned to accept them. That's psyops or FM-3-05.30 it's quite a read, but for those of you who really want to understand the basics of the how's and why's. there it is for you. So many people simply gave in to the fear and accepted the TSA and now it's a commonplace thing. No one really thinks much of it. Nothing like good old fashioned mental/psychological conditioning to get the folks in line. no one here can't say they don't have their references to look over on this. The Department of Homeland Security has been asking folks to inform on other folks when things look wrong or suspicious, sounds like the "citizen spy" scenario has come into fruition - See Something, Send Something or how about what the crew at InfoWars had come across - Citizen Spy Smartphone App for iPhones & Droids this makes me wonder what George Orwell would be saying right now, I mean he wrote the playbook of the NWO in 1984 and here's why he penned the book to begin with - The Reasons Why .
Folks, there is a growing evil that is insanely prolific in composition, scope, and size. The Agenda is both seen and unseen. Ruthless in intent. Cold in purpose. It takes no prisoners, per se. It eliminates all who would dare to stand in its way and yet for all of their planning. It's unraveling and being pushed to promote war to keep the both a free and independent peoples blind, deaf, and dumb to the truth. Rules and regulations written on the simply authority of the almighty pen and the hubris of a single man that sits in he highest office of the land writing away executive orders like it's a damn handshake. Here are a few well penned out documents he signed into law without the consent of the people or it's duly elected representatives, that being Congress. RIP Bill of Rights. Hello NDAA - Indefinite Detention Made Legal there are plenty of links to look on this subject lets get into the meat and potatoes of Executive Order 13603 imagine the level of power that gives a sitting President, regardless of the man that signed it. That's damn scary any way one looks at it! Hussein Obama has made it clear that he will be Bypassing Congress His Way or how about the infamous statement I've got a Pen and I've got a Phone not feeling so comfortable now are you? How anyone can be so blase` about what's happening is nuts. The American Way of life has been and is currently being erased and people are simply going on about their business like it's nothing to fret about. Hmm... How about these apples? Banks Have Deadline to Share Your Info or Economic Recovery! Riiight... This is from the X22report in respects to our failing economy The Dollar Collapse Lots of moving parts involved here, but it's all real and true.
The wake up call is real and surreal everyone.
Police brutality is at an all time high and people are getting battered, beaten, and killed. I do not agree with the idea of having a paramilitary police force patrolling the streets, but they are here and it is what it is. What I am about to post will be graphic and hardcore. My advice? Suck it up. Remember it. Learn from it. It's part of living in the world of tyranny. The Bureau of Land Management in SW Nevada Brutality or The Death of James Boyd or The Beating of Kelly Thomas these are egregious acts of wanton violence and this is happening in America. Judge Andrew Napolitano on What If
Sequestration of our military forces. Take a good look at this pic and read it up, The Atlantic Fleet it's pretty sad and scary to see that. It reminded of the pic taken of Battleship Row on December 6, 1941 Battleship Row (before and after) . What makes this so frighteningly surreal are the recent bold moves the Russian Federation has been doing to NATO with a major emphasis on the United States . 1.) Russians Approach US West Coast 2.) Russian Backfire Bombers and Flanker Fighter Support - Sweden 3.) Dutch air force intercepts Russian Bombers 4.) Russians probing UK airspace 5.) Royal Navy shadows Russian Destroyer It may not seem like much and to many of you out there, it may seem like the Cold War has been revived. I must contend with that notion and say no. Who wants to waste more money on playing cloak and dagger when the real deal is quite simple. America is bleeding out really bad and our foes smells the blood running and at some point, they not simply come here to take a bite, but rather eat us alive.
To be continued. Run. Roar. Rant. Your choice.
Common Core. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Why do our children. Our future need Common Core. The very name is suggestive of everything should be common and regimented. No room for academic achievement. No honor rolls. No true sense of scholastic individuality. Concerned parents are getting arrested over asking about it. Debating it. Taking a legit stand. Arrested! Case in point - Father Complains About Risque` Common Core Assignment Yet, the Main Stream Media aka Propaganda Central as I will now refer to them (that's the Dino being individualistic!), has not even bothered to report on this matter. They're too busy talking propaganda from their talking points HQ, that being Hussein Obama's machinae in DC. Fair Doctrine!?! Kiss it hard folks because it's what so many sheeple out there truly want. To be guided and told what to do. This is insanity! Where's the fairness in asking a question on matters of importance? Especially given the nature of the arguments on that link. Risque` books to teens that have not been approved by the parents, yet the STATE (in their infinite wisdom) seems to know what's in the best interests of the children that you the parent do! Here's another taste of the insanity that is called Common Core - The Ten Dumbest Common Core Problems You know folks, this really boils down to control. Controlling the young minds paves way to a very rigid future where being docile and unquestioning is the goal of the unseen elite. None of what I am telling here should be misconstrued as a joke or something equally laughable. Michelle Malkin's take on Common Core helps drive the point home - Michelle Malkin's POV This crap is happening in real-time and the sheeple need to take notice of the red flag being waved and it's not the only red flag that waving here in reference to the future of our Republic.
We are a Republic only in name and I will give you all something to chew on to hit home on that point.
A Republic If You Can Keep It Reid Hendrix hits home on this notion. So many folks hit on that America is a Democracy when in fact, she is a Republic. The definition of a Republic is quite clear and the Founding Fathers, who incidentally has been labelled as terrorists - Founding Fathers Declared As Terrorists
and look at how the Department of Defense runs with this mental insanity - Pentagon Labels Founding Fathers As Extremists is ANYONE getting the picture here? This is some very serious shit this piss poor excuse of a government aka regime is spewing. Gee! What constitutes a "regime"? Let's take a look, shall we? Regime Wow! It reads a lot like the rules and regulations of current day America. Anyone here agrees? Let's take another look on it - Merriam-Webster's Definition anyone reading this see the direct correlation to the word's definition and what's actually been happening under Hussein Obama's presidency aka rule? It can't just be me. The Constitution is being attacked by all three Branches of government, but moreso by the Executive Branch and why for the life of me, people are not protesting and arguing this save for the 3% is beyond me. Our very way of life has been circumvented, corrected, and converted. When the people have given up their liberties for more security, trouble begins to roll in and life as you know begins to radically change. I've heard folks say that it's all right for the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) to do the "security measures" they do for the sake of their safety. I'll be damned if the people didn't get conditioned to accept them. That's psyops or FM-3-05.30 it's quite a read, but for those of you who really want to understand the basics of the how's and why's. there it is for you. So many people simply gave in to the fear and accepted the TSA and now it's a commonplace thing. No one really thinks much of it. Nothing like good old fashioned mental/psychological conditioning to get the folks in line. no one here can't say they don't have their references to look over on this. The Department of Homeland Security has been asking folks to inform on other folks when things look wrong or suspicious, sounds like the "citizen spy" scenario has come into fruition - See Something, Send Something or how about what the crew at InfoWars had come across - Citizen Spy Smartphone App for iPhones & Droids this makes me wonder what George Orwell would be saying right now, I mean he wrote the playbook of the NWO in 1984 and here's why he penned the book to begin with - The Reasons Why .
Folks, there is a growing evil that is insanely prolific in composition, scope, and size. The Agenda is both seen and unseen. Ruthless in intent. Cold in purpose. It takes no prisoners, per se. It eliminates all who would dare to stand in its way and yet for all of their planning. It's unraveling and being pushed to promote war to keep the both a free and independent peoples blind, deaf, and dumb to the truth. Rules and regulations written on the simply authority of the almighty pen and the hubris of a single man that sits in he highest office of the land writing away executive orders like it's a damn handshake. Here are a few well penned out documents he signed into law without the consent of the people or it's duly elected representatives, that being Congress. RIP Bill of Rights. Hello NDAA - Indefinite Detention Made Legal there are plenty of links to look on this subject lets get into the meat and potatoes of Executive Order 13603 imagine the level of power that gives a sitting President, regardless of the man that signed it. That's damn scary any way one looks at it! Hussein Obama has made it clear that he will be Bypassing Congress His Way or how about the infamous statement I've got a Pen and I've got a Phone not feeling so comfortable now are you? How anyone can be so blase` about what's happening is nuts. The American Way of life has been and is currently being erased and people are simply going on about their business like it's nothing to fret about. Hmm... How about these apples? Banks Have Deadline to Share Your Info or Economic Recovery! Riiight... This is from the X22report in respects to our failing economy The Dollar Collapse Lots of moving parts involved here, but it's all real and true.
The wake up call is real and surreal everyone.
Police brutality is at an all time high and people are getting battered, beaten, and killed. I do not agree with the idea of having a paramilitary police force patrolling the streets, but they are here and it is what it is. What I am about to post will be graphic and hardcore. My advice? Suck it up. Remember it. Learn from it. It's part of living in the world of tyranny. The Bureau of Land Management in SW Nevada Brutality or The Death of James Boyd or The Beating of Kelly Thomas these are egregious acts of wanton violence and this is happening in America. Judge Andrew Napolitano on What If
Sequestration of our military forces. Take a good look at this pic and read it up, The Atlantic Fleet it's pretty sad and scary to see that. It reminded of the pic taken of Battleship Row on December 6, 1941 Battleship Row (before and after) . What makes this so frighteningly surreal are the recent bold moves the Russian Federation has been doing to NATO with a major emphasis on the United States . 1.) Russians Approach US West Coast 2.) Russian Backfire Bombers and Flanker Fighter Support - Sweden 3.) Dutch air force intercepts Russian Bombers 4.) Russians probing UK airspace 5.) Royal Navy shadows Russian Destroyer It may not seem like much and to many of you out there, it may seem like the Cold War has been revived. I must contend with that notion and say no. Who wants to waste more money on playing cloak and dagger when the real deal is quite simple. America is bleeding out really bad and our foes smells the blood running and at some point, they not simply come here to take a bite, but rather eat us alive.
To be continued. Run. Roar. Rant. Your choice.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Somehwere from in-between the truth speaketh loud and windy.
So, here I am now. This has been certainly a mighty long time coming in terms of getting back on the alternative media scene, but this time not as a talk show host online (mind you all, that's in the works!!!) yet, rather a part of the international blogging community.
Reasons? Simple. To help wake the sheeple up and to get those in-the-know to stay motivated in their diligence in preparation for that which is to come. What? Preparation? For what? One might be thinking. The Fall. Let's be clear on this singular notion, These United States of America, the Last Republic (as far as I'm concerned) is about to fall hard in ways many folks are simply not equipped and/or prepared to handle. How is this so? Simple. Sheeple that have been either all to willing to be led blindly by their government in exchange for their personal security OR sheeple that are just criminally ignorant to the truth that's unfolding around them, have opted to abdicate their personal liberties for a government that offers false promises and security in exchange for massive meta-data grabs into EVERY ASPECT OF THEIR LIVES. Unfortunately, this massive meta-data acquisition situation has extended to those people, not sheeple, that do think for themselves. Talk about a travesty. To think for oneself and speak out in PEACEFUL opposition is considered to be a thought crime of sorts, causes me to think back to George Orwell's 1984. The dark irony of this has not fallen deaf and dumb upon the people that are awake. It's hard to conceive of such a reality happening in realtime, especially given how beautiful the day has been, yet it's as real as the wind that's blowing hard upon me as I sit outside here typing this small rant for all to read. The winds of change are literally upon us all. Think about that for a second... Remember what Barack Hussein Obama ran as his campaign motto "Change That You Can Believe In". Most certainly Mr. President. I know you intend to bring it...
On that note, I will leave you all with a few things to chew on and to research.
Expect more to come from me...
In Dulce Decorum
The Desert Dino
Reasons? Simple. To help wake the sheeple up and to get those in-the-know to stay motivated in their diligence in preparation for that which is to come. What? Preparation? For what? One might be thinking. The Fall. Let's be clear on this singular notion, These United States of America, the Last Republic (as far as I'm concerned) is about to fall hard in ways many folks are simply not equipped and/or prepared to handle. How is this so? Simple. Sheeple that have been either all to willing to be led blindly by their government in exchange for their personal security OR sheeple that are just criminally ignorant to the truth that's unfolding around them, have opted to abdicate their personal liberties for a government that offers false promises and security in exchange for massive meta-data grabs into EVERY ASPECT OF THEIR LIVES. Unfortunately, this massive meta-data acquisition situation has extended to those people, not sheeple, that do think for themselves. Talk about a travesty. To think for oneself and speak out in PEACEFUL opposition is considered to be a thought crime of sorts, causes me to think back to George Orwell's 1984. The dark irony of this has not fallen deaf and dumb upon the people that are awake. It's hard to conceive of such a reality happening in realtime, especially given how beautiful the day has been, yet it's as real as the wind that's blowing hard upon me as I sit outside here typing this small rant for all to read. The winds of change are literally upon us all. Think about that for a second... Remember what Barack Hussein Obama ran as his campaign motto "Change That You Can Believe In". Most certainly Mr. President. I know you intend to bring it...
On that note, I will leave you all with a few things to chew on and to research.
- -National Defense Authorization Act
- -National Defense Resources Preparedness Act
- -UN Agenda 21
- -REX 84
- -First Amendment Zones
- -Constitution-Free Zones
- -Socialism
- -Main Stream Media
- -Normalcy Bias
- -1984
- -Animal Farm
Expect more to come from me...
In Dulce Decorum
The Desert Dino
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